Malawi – Operation Smile mission 2022


Forever inspired by a one-of-a-kind “Women in Medicine” Operation Smile International program in Malawi! Our team represented 15 countries including the UK, The Netherlands, Philippines, Honduras, Sweden, Rwanda, South Africa, Malawi, Morocco, Madagascar, Jordan, Canada & the US. 

More than 50% of the population of Malawi live under the poverty line and this will stagnate to 80% in 2 years. The average income is around $1 a day. Malawi continues to face significant health care-related challenges. It has only 2 physicians per 100,000 people, & only 50 dentists in a population of 8 million. Malawian people are known to be the “warm heart of Africa.” We definitely experienced their generous spirit and kindness during our visit. 

Many mothers are sadly shunned by their community & left by their husbands when their child is born with a cleft lip. The power of a mother’s love is so strong and I was continually reminded of that. 

Our team provided 84 cleft surgeries and over 180 dental procedures in 7 days with a great emphasis on education. Thank you for the inspiration, little ones and to all the beautiful Malawians I met.  A poignant reminder of how lucky we are to have basic access to healthcare and safe surgery. Operation Smile International continues to expand & do amazing work globally and I am humbled by the opportunity to be a small part of it.  Please consider a donation! 

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